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I'm looking at buying a planer thicknesser and as I've browsed through various companies, they all seem to be the same machine but with different colours and very slight differences. Axminster AW106PT2 Fox F22-568 Charnwood W583 SIP 01575 Scheppach Plana 3.0c It also seems to be the case for the slightly smaller machines too. Is there a list somewhere that shows who shares what and with who? The reason I ask is because the prices vary massively for what seems to be the same machine. I want (need really) a machine with an induction motor to keep the noise down. Universal motors hurt my ears and annoy the neighbours.
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Are there any suggestions that I haven't listed? I don't need any bigger than 10' and I don't really want to go much above £800 (or at all if possible). There seems little doubt that many of these ( and other ) machines originate from the same Chiwanese factory and are the 'same machine in different colours' but I wonder if there is a little more to it to account for the significant price differences. It could be, of course, that some companies are making bigger profits than others but maybe we should take the Quangsheng (sp? ) plane as an example of where different companies sell the same item at different prices but at obviously different quality control levels as well. Marcros wrote:it really is a shame that the various companies dont buy one of their competitors machines, and correct the design errors before copying it, or ordering the same.
View and Download Fox F22-561 assembly and operating instructions manual online. 10' PORTABLE THICKNESSER. F22-561 Planer pdf manual download. Considering a Fox planer thicknesser now. (only the manual ). All Forum Topics > Workshop & Tools > Fox Machinery.
The result could be so much better. Trouble is unless the other retailer uses one on a regular basis they might not not what needs improving? I think it needs a company such as axi to listen to feedback from users and do what Mathew does with QS and talk with the manufactuers and get machines improved.
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Rather than keep cutting corners to keep costs down? I have separates and while the original idea was as above to reduce the need for flipping from one mode to the other. When i purchased mine - both axi, only the open stand version of the pt106 was available. So now my thinking and to get away from noisy brush motors is to reduce my machinery from separates to the jet PT. Also helped is the fact that according to the sizes on the axi site, the Jet JPT260 takes up the same floor space as my Axi CT150. Especially after watching various vids on the pt106 and similar, the faff that goes with changing modes would become very tiresome very quickly.